Deforestation And Deforestation

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How Does Deforestation For Cattle Ranching In The Rainforest Affect The Environment? Rainforests cover 31% of the land on the planet. They provide many resources, homes for wildlife and vital oxygen. Therefore, deforestation, the clearing of the rainforest, has a major negative impact on the environment; it contributes to climate change and destroys the land. Yearly, 18 million acres of forest are destructed due to deforestation. Cattle ranching is responsible for 70% of the deforestation in the rainforest. This is a major environmental issue, hence, what are the potential solutions for this issue? Deforestation is one of the main contributing factors to global climate change. The leading problem caused by deforestation is the greenhouse gas emission. 75% of Brazil’s emissions are a result of deforestation. Cattle ranching has a major impact on this issue, it is responsible for 18% of the total release of …show more content…

Cattle needs water and foods to grow and survive. The food, often corn or soy, cows on cattle ranches in the rainforest are fed, are often farmed in other deforested areas in the rainforest. These areas are facing the same issues regarding soil erosion and climate change. Additionally, the foods that the cattle is fed are cheap and therefore poor quality, which are proven to make cows gassier, leading to more methane emissions. The resources, such as water are exploited and this is causing environmental issues such as scarcity. Furthermore, the more demand for resources there is, the more areas of the rainforest need to be used, leading to more of the same environmental issues. Not only is the lack of resources causing environmental issues, it is also causing social and economical issues, such as health, hunger and poverty. Overall, the cattle’s need for food and water are having a major impact environmentally, as it relates to all the other issues the rainforest is having regarding to deforestation for cattle

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