12 Tasks Done by Killer Employees by Noon

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12 tasks done by Killer Employers by noon “Early birds are generally happier than night owls,” was suggested by a recent study published in an American Psychological Association journal “Emotion”. More than 700 employees were surveyed who were between the ages of 17 and 79 and were questioned about their emotional state, health and preferred time of the day. This research revealed that self-professed “morning people” felt much happier that the night owls and the reason behind this could be the society catering the morning person’s schedule. Working “9-to-5” is considered as a standard shift for many Americans and is more than an expression. The employees rising with the sun are the most productive employees in the office revels the research. Why not be like them? …Want to be a killer employee? Then follow the 12 tasks to be completed before noon… 1. Make a list of the woks to be done a day before 2. Utilize the time, rest for the complete night 3. “No” to snooze please!!! 4. Exercise for an active day 5. Practice a morning ritual 6. Breakfast is a must 7. Be in time for the office 8. Do check in with the boss and/or employees 9. Begin with the big and challenging projects 10. Avoid morning meetings 11. Make up time to follow up the messages 12. Take a mid-morning break Make a list of the woks to be done a day before A list of the works to be done helps many in completing their tasks but most of them do not know when to compose it. The best time to prepare a to-do list is the night before, says Andrew Jensen, a business efficiency consultant with Sozo firm in Shrewsbury. He also adds that, “few of the employees prefer preparing a to-do list in the morning, but this causes loss of their office time in preparing the to-do list.” ... ... middle of paper ... ...ime as the employees are at their peaks during mornings. Make up time to follow up the messages Checking the emails for every couple of minutes would take time away from the task you are doing, thus schedule a specific time to check and respond to the emails you receive. Try and do it at the top of each hour to make sure that clients and colleagues receive prompt responses from you. Take a mid-break “Get up and stretch your legs,” or be seated and indulge in browsing. Jensen says it’s good to zone out on face book and twitter or to send a personal text. It’s good to take a 10 minute break for every one or two hours. Companies that do not encourage using of social sites during working hours can find it will be detrimental. Allowing the employees to have a break gives employee satisfaction. “The best employees respect the employer’s time,” says Jensen.

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