Task Group Reflection Paper

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Task Group Within my task group I feel as if I oscillate between the taskmaster and then more of a second in command, which is similar to the way it works in my family. I have a tendency to see that people either do not have the energy to take control and take over, or I naturally will just fall back and let someone else take control. With only four people in the group it is hard for me to really identify subgroups, but I can see the emergence of subgroups, especially when one person’s transference comes out the others tend to back off. The alliance that I have noticed come out over the course of the project is between one other group member and myself; we have come together to direct the group in a different direction a number of times. In terms of boundaries, we fall into the clear range or possibly disengaged. This most likely has to do with the fact that we started out disengaged and we did not know where we stood, though as we have worked together, therefore getting to know each other, we have moved more toward clear boundaries within the system. There is awe to the clarity of our boundaries for me, as my core familial relationships are enmeshed. We are flexible when it comes to having to adapt to …show more content…

Throughout infancy the child is continually confronted with nominal threat of object loss and it is up to the mother (caregiver) to help the child navigate that loss well. Separation and individuation, as put forth by Mahler (1975), are two complements, which are intertwined, in the developmental process. Separation is achieved when the child and the mother are not longer fused together; the infant recognizes that they are a separate entity outside of their mother. Individuation occurs when the child adopts its own individual characteristics or identity, most noticeably happening during

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