A Measured Pace: A Measured Pace

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A Measured Pace
I loved farm life. Every day was different with new things to learn and new challenges to take on. We never went on holidays because we had a motto “that every day on the farm was a holiday if you loved the work.” We were early risers, and there was something special about watching the world wake up as you guided the tractor down a fresh furrow. The air was cool and fresh, rich with all kinds of fragrances, and the sounds of the birds were music to the ears. We worked very full days and went to bed with the setting sun in the summer time. It was a measured pace balancing chores, school work, field work, 4-H and cattle projects with Sunday worship and teaching Sunday school.
One summer, when I was 14 and my brother 12, our Dad caught an infection in …show more content…

This should be a dream come true for a Pastor, but those who are familiar with the work of the Holy Spirit know that when the wind begins to blow it picks up dust that has been laying around for years! That means counselling and healing, and above all, time to do it, if there is no one to whom it can be delegated. The largest church was a central meeting place for the wider church because it was geographically central, and the parish was known for the gift of hospitality. Needless to say, it was a busy parish in itself, not to mention the added activities. Then, an unusual year began to unfold. The call upon the church for grief ministry increased dramatically. Throughout that year, at any given time, someone was being diagnosed with cancer, someone was beginning treatment, someone was going through the side effects, someone was in palliative care, and someone had died. I worked with more than 6o families and conducted 52 funerals with the usual after care. This was in addition to all the other worship services. The time worked out to preparation for a service of some kind and officiating at it every 2-1/2

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