Adjusting to a New Environment

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Walking alone in downtown in a new city without any friends or family was harsh experience to me especially in the midnight when I arrived at 1.30 M.A. However, the first thing I was thinking to tell my mind that I was not alone in this place to be afraid. Therefore, this kind of technique, which gave me kind of power and endurance, was my first step to encounter many challenges in a new country. For example, when I walked alone in the street, I kept telling myself that I still surrounded by many people even if I did not know them, and we are all humans , so there is no a strange creature . In addition, as I know from my information that I have read in some books, the human brain always tries to avoid the real situation when the human could not believe it. That was my first gift from my brain when he released a lot of melatonin hormone which is responsible for making me sleepy all the times. Therefore, I slept more than 12 hours per a day which helped me to relax my mind from thinking about my situation to being in a new country without any family. However, our techniques and brain sometimes do not want to work with humans for a short time when that happened, my cultural shock appeared.

After I had come to the United States, I asked in the airport how to go back to my home in the same day. Coming from a small city from Saudi Arabia is a huge difference to be in a noisy city, San Francisco. I was in my way to the King George Hotel in downtown San Francisco in the midnight on Saturday when I received my first cultural shock when I saw many events in one places in my first time. The worst thing was that I did not speak any Basic English at that time. When I was in my way, I was stopped by a strange man who seemed in abnormal...

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...arieties and challenges.

Finally, the movement to a divergent country, culture, and customs are valuable experience in my life for many reasons. The first value from this experience shaped me as autonomous person. For example, in the past I relied on my family on very thing, however, after this action I had a lot of knowledge to manage and control my life. Also, my family believes in my decision and my opinion more than before. Furthermore, I have ability to communicate with many people from many different countries after I had had this experience. Being in a new country opened my mind to many different cultures which helped me to build my communication skills. To illustrate this point, in my class, we have international students from China, Korea, America, Italy, and so on, so it allows me to communicate with many cultures and know about them. listen .

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