Taking a Look at the Roaring 20's

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The 1920’s was a period once called “The Roaring 20’s” because of the people in the time period. There were many different types of people, the rich, the poor (small amount up until around 1929) and even gangsters. A lot of this time period was heavily segregated mainly by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). This group was mainly composed of white supremacists that were intent on keeping the USA run by mostly whites. In the Roaring 20’s, the value of the gross national product rose from $74 billion to a whopping $104 billon dollars! This made everyone happy for the most part, having a little money was now the equivalent of a lot of money; people were buying vehicles, movies, toys, houses, and other things. People were generally happy in this time period up until about 1929 when the great depression hit and all the banks lost their stock price after a giant sell out. During this time the banks took whatever money they had in their storage, gave it to the bigwigs and shut down. Millions lost everything they had. Also, women received the right to vote in the 1920’s, this increased women morale extremely and made many women want to become activists; this inspired many people, men and women, to answer the call of duty and get rights for women who weren’t willing to or couldn’t fight for themselves. This is why the 1920’s was considered a giant roar; so much was happening, people had ups, they had downs, and women got what they wanted all along, rights, everyone was pretty happy except for the segregated areas and the people who were segregating the areas. In 1924, murder was a rage, it happened at an increased rate for whatever reason, whether it be a hate crime, self defense, or just anger; murder was found to be fun, people enjoyed it. This... ... middle of paper ... ...are expensive items that people were putting into weekly installment plans, they would make a $100 or and spend about $40 only, leaving themselves with cool stuff in their houses and enough money for leisure and entertainment outside of the house (i.e. movies, dinner, babysitters etc.). Installments were pushed heavily by some of the “Mad Men” of the 1920’s (a term later coined for advertisers in the early to mid 1900’s). They pursued mainly housewives and the lower waged portion of the USA. They said that better appliances can reduce time of drudgery housework and reduce preparation time with processed foods. A lot of this advertising forced people into wanting to purchase almost all of these items; so they did. Installments allowed for a much easier life at little cost to the everyday patron; better appliances and commodities allowed for a better life in general.

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