The Benefits Of Synthetic Biology And Engineering

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Synthetic biology and the engineering of living systems are the new branch of biology and engineering combined. These two subjects combine many disciplines such as biotechnology, molecular biology, systems biology, chemical engineering and computer engineering. Over the past decade, many engineers have become interested in ‘doing biology’.1 However, people still believe that we do not yet know enough biology to make synthetic biology a predictable engineering discipline.1 Therefore, this new branch requires more time in order to be understandable.
These new fields require trained engineers and biologists to be able to do concept proof. At the present time, there are a few people out there working on living systems engineering and they are not …show more content…

The Global Chemistry industry is a five trillion dollar industry. It is one of the biggest. We are addicted to petroleum products. Gasoline is not an unlimited resource and soon enough we will exhaust all our reserves. That’s not the important problem. Once we reach the limit human race will find alternative fuel. Fixing problems and finding a better solution are in our DNA. The problem that we can’t fix now is the air pollution and global warming. Synthetic biology might be the solution. Engineer bacteria that starts synthesis with glucose and turn out biofuels or fine chemicals such as vanillin or artemisinin.5 These improvements are just the beginning. We can see the future of this field such as producing fuels and plastics that can be used by third parties. Synthetic biology can change the chemical industry and can decrease the use of carbon sources.
Synthetic biology will be found in almost every application in the future. There will be new technologies created by this field in the near future. New job opportunities and new market might be seen in near future. Synthetic biology might be expensive at first but with time it can be cheaper by using mass production. I strongly believe this new technology is going to affect people’s life in near future. There will be mad politicians who are earning money from carbon base production

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