Symptoms And Symptoms Of Herpes Simplex Virus

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If infants 6 weeks or younger have signs of oral herpes, their pediatrician needs to be notified. The complications of herpes simplex virus 1 in infants are greater. The herpes in infants may not just stay around or on the mouth but may travel to the brain and cause severe damage. Infants most often get the virus from skin to skin contact with an adult who has HSV I. This can be by an adult pinching the cheek of a baby or by rubbing lotion on the baby. Any skin to skin contact can give the baby the virus. The signs and symptoms of a baby who has HSV I are also blisters or sore around the mouth, dehydration or lack of urination. Lack of urination is an indicator because if the baby is dehydrated, it is probably because its lymph nodes or throat is swollen or tender.
Treatment and Prevention
Although there is no cure for HSV I, there is medication that can shorten outbreaks or prevent them altogether. This is because after the first initial outbreak, the virus moves from the skin cells to the nerve cells. The nerve cells are where the virus will host itself and stay there forever. The virus will remain "asleep" meaning it is still there but will not show itself to be present. Things that can "awaken" the virus, causing an outbreak, are stress, sickness, fever, sun exposure and surgery. Some topical treatments for HSV I are Denavir, Zovirax, Abreva and some other medications. Majority of these topical medications for herpes (cold sore and fever blisters) may only be prescribed by a doctor. The only medication that can be bought for treatment at a drug-store is Abreva. These medications need to be put on top of the sore multiple times a day and usually heal in a matter of days. If someone was having an outbreak and did not want to use...

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... and samples of the sores sent to the laboratory. The physician can then determine whether or not a person will need ongoing medications. For HSV I, the medications are only used during outbreaks to reduce the period of the outbreak and for HSV II, it depends on the cases and whether the physician determines if the individual will need to be on medication at all times or just during outbreaks.
All in all, because of new sex practices, the rates of the both of these strains of the herpes simplex virus will continue to rise. It is important to get the virus treated if the person knows that they are positive for the virus and to advise their sexual partner. It is also important for individuals to be aware of who they are sharing drinks with, sharing chapstick with, and who they are kissing and to recognize these sores so they reduce their risk of contracting the virus.

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