Human Justice In Plato's Allegory Of The Cave

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Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”
Many individuals question human nature and how our society is created to find justice. “Allegory of the Cave” written by Plato, a Greek philosopher, was a dialogue between Glaucon and Socrates. In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, depicts the idea that some people are seeing the truth to be “aching. People were born to be told things, which naturally believed is hard to know what is true. They are unable to see the reality and when told the truth, it would be hard for people to accept it any other way. As a result, people would exceed its limits to find the truth. Some may say this allegory, is the reflection of our world today .There are many representations that can be shown how this can be applied to how we …show more content…

In today’s society, people are so occupied that there are many side distraction that prevent the actual truth. I would consider that “Plato’s Allegory of The Cave” is so general that it can be conveyed in today's society. An example of this image would be fast food chain restaurants across the world. They are the problem in the world and are not helping the society. In the world today, there is an increase in health problems each year. They are affecting many people's lives, thus related to their high-calorie food they are producing. Commentary to the story, the people born in this world can be considered prisoners.They are chained down like the prisoners as they follow laws and regulations. Next, the owners of these fast food chains resemble the puppeteers in the cave. This is significant because they both display an image that isn't entirely true and is terrifying. Puppeteers symbolize the master of the group or leaders. LIkewise, an example could be our government as they make the laws that everybody else follows. Their jobs in society are to produce images that would satisfy people and make them feel happy. To begin, the restaurant's logo is trademarked that is being ingrained in them so that people could remember and recognize them across the world. These puppeteers or owners of the fast food chains also express shadows which can be relatable of images of their menu. Such examples can …show more content…

The people, prisoners, are being led by shadows these “puppeteers” or leaders create. One of many shadows they create is the image of fast food chain restaurants. People are being trapped into their unhealthy food as to prisoners are being chained to unveil false information. They amuse us with their attractive commercials and pictures across the world. This is important as technology grows, like the fire, is a source that creates the shadow. Also, they would capture prisoners with their marketing techniques that change with our economic situation.The social demands and needs are voices that they feed off of us. They are very unhealthy and cause serious problems with our society. All in all, fast food chain restaurants proves how Plato's theory can still be conveyed in our present. With help of Super Size Me and social media, people can now acknowledge the truth. They are able to seek knowledge, living outside the

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