Symbolic References in A Worn Path by Eudora Welty

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Many times an object or a character can easily be more understood when a symbol is used to represent it. Just like in sports they also use colors, mascots, animals, and symbols to give the team a image. The Oakland Raiders use a rough and tough raider to show the character and strength of their football organization and by using that symbol they can instill some intimidation without even stepping on the field. Symbols are also used on the road, at a traffic light it shines 3 different colors, green for go, yellow for slow down, and red to stop. Each color represents something different. Symbols are even used in the simplest things as in making a phone call. Each and every button on a smart phone has its very own individual function that is possible by a click of a button that is in our case a symbol on the smart phone. Those are just some of the examples of symbolism in everyday life.

In the short story, A Worn Path, a old negro woman named Phoenix Jackson from Natchez Mississippi goes on a treacherous journey to get to medicine for her sick grandson. Her grandson swallowed some lye (cleaning solution/poison) a few years back and now needs medicine to keep his throat from closing not leaving him able to breath. Phoenix Jackson almost blind woman goes through many obstacles to get to town for her grandson. She would shout to the animals to let them know she was passing through so they wouldn’t trip her while she was walking. Her skirts were full and long and she couldn’t help but get caught on a few thorny bushes slowing her down. She also had

creeks and ridges to pass along side, all there was to pass the creek was a fallen tree which was now a dried up log, Phoenix crossed this log with all instinct because she...

... middle of paper ... is going on throughout the story. Reasons for what’s going on and why. The entire story is brought strongly together with symbolism acting as a bond for the story and its true meaning. We can now understand everything throughout, “A Worn Path” because of the new understanding that symbolism gives us.

Works Cited

123helpme Editors. “Symbolism in ‘A Worn Path’,” 123helpme, N.p., n.d. Web.17 Mar 2014.

Beller, Michelle. “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty: Symbols and Themes. “Yahoo! Voices. Yahoo, Inc.,29 Nov 2008. Web.17 Mar 2014.

Noelle M. “Symbolism in Eudora Welty’s “ A Worn Path”. Studymode N.P., Oct 2012. Web.Mar 2014.

Schnaila. “Symbolism in ‘A Worn Path’.” Collage essay help and ideas. N.P., 5 Mar 2012. Web.17 Mar 2014.

Writing Rock, Editors, “ ‘A Worn Path ‘Analysis research paper. “Writing Rock. N.P., n.d. Web.17 Mar 2014.

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