Swine Flu Research Paper

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Swine Flu Research Paper

Swine flu is a disease that has placed a burden on humanity for many years. The virus of swine flu has a very intriguing history as well. Swine flu had originated from the first influenza pandemic in 1918. The actual swine flu virus had come from a pig in Iowa in 1931. Two years later a human strand of swine flu was found in London for the very first time. This was later followed by the Hong Kong flu pandemic in 1968 which had killed up to one million people worldwide. Many years after these pandemics had occurred, the first cases of swine flu were found in California and Texas in March of 2009. This pandemic killed 25,174 people who were infected with swine flu. A couple of months later, the United States and the United Kingdom began testing people for the swine flu and started vaccination programs. Swine flu has had a long history and has taken a large number of lives in the past with worldwide pandemics. As a result, countries like the United States started to take measures toward vaccination. The virus has many different ways of being transmitted, signs and symptoms, areas of the world it infects, and treatment plans.

The size of the swine flu virus ranges anywhere from ten to three hundred nanometers in diameter. In comparison to real world measurements, one nanometer is one one-millionth of a millimeter. The shape overall is a sphere which means it targets members of the animal kingdom like mammals. The swine flu virus is not categorized in a kingdom, phylum, or class because it is not considered to be living. However, it is part of the order of mononegavirales which includes all viruses that can infect any of the six kingdoms. The family is orthomyxoviridae which is all spheri...

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...nza/variant influenza

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