Survivorship: Changes in Citizen´s Age of Death

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The United States had gone through the industrial revolution within the last 150 years causing changes in the citizen’s age of death. Factors such as diseases and accidents have changed in their relative impacts. By taking account of deaths within a certain time period, we can determine the survivorship curves of each gender in that decade. The male and female birth and death dates can be collected and results can be made based on these deaths as long as the individuals involved in the study faced the same changes in his or her lifetime. Both genders usually have a survivorship curve of one that indicated both had a high initial survival rate at a young age but as age increased, their mortality rate also increased. This pertains to other species also within an ecosystem.
Population ecology is the study of species that live in the same area and how their population sizes can change over time. It’s how the population of different species which can interact with the environment that can change the dynamics of each population. Population ecology can predict the long-term possibility of a species living in a habitat. In chapter 13 we discussed the purpose of life and what that means to species. Those individuals who maximize their reproductive success will be seen in future generations. We also discussed how each organism has a finite amount of time and energy, and once their times run out so does their energy, also known as life. Life tables are used to display addition and removal of individuals in a population. The table includes age class of the individuals in a population. Each year of reproduction forms an age class to group those individuals who were born around the same time. Life tables can be used to study population ecology....

... middle of paper ... than females.

Works Cited

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