The Surge of Morality

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The Surge of Morality

Morality in its actuality boils down to different meaning from perspectives that are not necessarily good or bad. The application of morality determines how it can be explained. This shows how an outward appearance defines morality. The concept of morality identifies what is to be done and why it is done in certain ways. However, the existence of conscience gives rise to the definition of a moral act. It is only expected that a moral act answers to the circumstances surrounding a good or a bad intention. Some circumstances can be justified if the main intent is morally good without causing any harm, but when the primary intention is to cause harm, it becomes morally bad. However, there is always a possibility for struggles as a result of conscience using input, threshold and output. Input is brought about by the main aim of carrying out an action whereas threshold are contributing factors to carrying out such action and the output focuses on the final result and its influence from concrete judgments as evidenced by good or bad. Selected texts like “The Descent of Man” by Charles Darwin plays an important role to the nature of human morality using comparisons from animals and humans. Darwin defines the evolution of man by using animals to explain most of his teachings and also, he defines a moral being as the capability to compare past and future actions and the ability to either approve or disapprove. The text on Genesis initiates human morality on a much simpler ground using the first human temptation by the serpent pertaining to a conventional order. Therefore, both texts depicts morality but in similar contexts.

Darwin’s idea of morality proposed that qualities of a moral act are embodied in an individua...

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... is from evolving morality and struggling for survival as a level of functionality initiates a higher trait that enables competition amongst its kind or race. Morality goes berserk when association is limited because it hinders social instincts which explains morality better. The goal of a moral act lies within an individual. It defines the purpose of different actions carried out. Therefore, it is right to say that if an intention is good or evil, then it ought to be morally justified. However, the end does not justify the means, in other words a wrong/evil intention does not result in a good moral act. In conclusion, the understanding of morality builds a core perspective to better objectives and defined goals.

Work Cited

Sciglitano, Ki and Peter Savastano. Christianity and Culture in Dialogue.(Dubuque, IA: Kendall

Hunt Publishing, 2012). Print.

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