Family: A Sense of Support

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Family: A Sense of Support Family, a word that so many people know, but only few people understand it. I understand family as being someone in the household, spouse, parents, and children. What does family means to some people? Some people may say friendships, love, and happiness, and others may say pain, anger, and separation. To me, family means, love, friendship, togetherness, and support. My husband, mother, sister, aunt, children and cousins all provide me with some type of support and guidance. Family is your support system. Support gives you satisfaction and the belief of being valued. It gives you the power to stand up against the challenges of the world. My family is the most important aspect of my life. My family is very small and everyone was raised to care for and support every family member. Being part of my family is a blessing to me, because without them, I would not be where or who I am today. My family is the reason I am attending college. After having children, I realized that in order to give them better things in life I needed to have higher education. Not only that, I wanted my children to value education and have a better role model as I did growing up. I believe that family support is the key to a satisfying life. Family support provides the basic structure for a healthy, fulfilling, and structured life. A family should always be there to protect and help one another. Also, a family should provide unconditional love and support. My mom and aunt help shape and mold me into who I am today. They shaped me into a conservative, respectful, and kind hearted person. They usually set good examples for me to follow. For example, when I was younger, a lady at a grocery store was always mean and di... ... middle of paper ... ... have are essential because they shape the way I live my life today. My family taught me to believe in God. They taught me that God is powerful and almighty and does amazing and sometimes shattering things that no one can explain. I put my faith in God that I will succeed. I think to value something; you must love it and feel that it is important. I believe that family should come first and foremost simply because without a loving, caring, and supporting family, it is hard to succeed in life. Families are a resourceful creation of love. Not everyone have parents or are even blood related relatives. The bond and internal instinct we feel to support one another is very real and something of a miracle. I could not have gotten to where I am today in college without my husband, mother, sister, aunt, children and cousins. With my family success is guaranteed.

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