Summer Term Reflection Paper

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Summer Term Reflection Paper

As I look back on the beginning of my journey to a better career and life I can remember the weeks and months leading up to the first day of class. I remember visiting the college and speaking with an advisor to decide exactly what it was I wanted to do, and the steps it would take for me to reach my goals. I recall talking with the advisor about the requirements for my General Education credits as well my need to take a preparatory class for algebra because I scored to low on the placement exam to be allowed to take the full college level math. Along with the preparatory math class my advisor told me that I needed to take “Foundations for College Success”, which I questioned. My advisor explained that the course would lay a solid foundation for me to build my college expectations and learning on by explaining what to expect from college as well as how to handle some of the out of the ordinary roadblocks that college life would undoubtedly throw my way. I remember thinking as probably most all new students do “I don’t need this” or “This is just a filler class, it can’t possibly show me anything I don’t already know”, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. As I near the end of my time in the Foundations for College Success course I can truly say I am glad I was required to take the course as it provided me with an invaluable wealth of knowledge that will help me throughout the rest of my journey.

As I try to recall all that I learned from this course and convey that information to you I will no doubt leave something out. I would like to start by saying that any omission isn’t from lack of importance, but more so a tough decision on what to put into this paper from the massive amount of information l...

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...udy habits, and awesome test taking strategies. I also learned about creative thinking and how it applies to everyday life, as well as active reading as it helps with college level reading. Another thing that I learned a lot about was what exactly what my professors expect of me, and how to decipher what is actually being requested of me in a writing assignment. I also learned how to avoid plagiarism and retain my academic integrity.

In a nutshell, what I thought or expected from this class before attending was ultimately trumped by the skills and information I obtained in the course. I have thoroughly enjoyed every day of class and can truly say that my only regret in your course is that it has to end. I know that not all courses will go as this one has, I know that not all professors will teach their courses the way you have. However, I can still dream can’t I?

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