Summary of Life of Pi by Yann Martel

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The novel, Life of Pi, by Yann Martel, is about a young boy, Pi, and his survival on a lifeboat drifting in the Pacific Ocean. It is written in three sections, the second part, spanning from chapters 37 to 94, concerns the events on the lifeboat and what Pi experiences. This part contrasts part 1 as Pi is not alone, the only human, left to dwell in his own thoughts and be self-sufficient. Whereas in part 1, Pi is living in India, surrounded by his family and friends, not alone in the slightest. To sustain interest in this middle section of the novel, Martel uses a variety of techniques. This is needed as the reader already knows that Pi survives the ordeal, as confirmed in section 1, therefore the journey in the Pacific must be fascinating to keep the readers interest. An example of this would be Pi?s decision to tame the tiger, Richard Parker, in which was trapped on the lifeboat with him. This occurred in chapter 57 of the novel. The task that Pi sets out to achieve creates suspense, as there is the ever-present danger of the wild tiger. ?The first training session was over. ...

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