Summary and Reflection on The Boy Who Bled by Evan Hunter

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“The Boy Who Bled” is a short story by the author, Evan Hunter. The story contains a lengthy exposition that clearly states the setting, the main protagonist, the main antagonist and the plot. The setting is in a dark alleyway, back in time while gangs like the Royals existed in the city. In the exposition, it is stated that the main protagonist Andy-is bleeding to death. The exposition also states that Andy was taken by the rival gang: Guardians and stabbed in an alleyway. This foreshadows the ending for the short story and also sets a mood of sparse apathy and drama to go along with the story.

The inciting incident in “The Boy Who Bled” occurs when Andy was stabbed. The main protagonist Andy is a member of the gang Royals. By being in this gang, they rival against the Guardians. As Andy was leaving the jump to get a pack of cigarettes only a block away, members from the Guardians decided to stab him right under the ribcage, yanking down the knife to create a large tear in his abdomen. Andy is then left in the alley way, bleeding to death but does not realize that he is dying. He only hopes that he will be found and brought to help. Afterwards, in the rising action, Andy encounters four people that had the opportunity to aid him, however, did not.

The climax of “The Boy Who Bled” occurs right after Laura leaves him to go find a cop. What occurs next is symbolic. Andy realizes that he is dying and after having reoccurring thoughts about being a Royal. With his remaining strength, shrugs off his jacket a foot away from his body before passing away. As Laura returns with a cop, the cop is ready to investigate his death that is, until he sees his Royals jacket a foot away. The cop now only disregards Andy as a Royal, without much c...

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...ruggles to accept the fact that he is dying and who exactly is Andy. Andy has reoccurring thoughts about his importance to the gang, and the gangs importance to him. Thus, creating Andy a dynamic character. By the resolution, Andy finally identifies with himself and realizes he would rather be known as Andy, than a Royal. By removing his jacket, it symbolically represents that Andy would like to be known as an individual, not a Royal.

I rate “The Boy Who Bled” 5 out of 5 Royals. I gave this story this perfect rating because I believed that this story was easy to identify and relate to because of my age. This story is about self-identity and regret as Andy didn’t have the chance to be himself, since he gave up his identity for another at such a young age. I can relate to this, and thus making it so easily for me to read the story because of the emotions it gives me.

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