Does Intelligence Is More Important To Exermine Success?

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Apple, Microsoft and Facebook are all managed by people whose IQ is ranked highly, or at least that is what we believe. However intelligence is not what made the company’s successful, but rather all the hard work and effort thousands of people put in daily into making the companies the most successful outranking the rest. Effort overshadows intelligence when the intelligent don’t work hard. Effort is more important than intelligence when determining success. Success is the ability to accomplish personal goals and achieve happiness. People who work hard are as capable of achieving success, regardless of their IQs.
Effort can be described as how much work a person puts into something. However, effort is more of how many attempts you are willing …show more content…

Meanwhile, people with high IQs are gifted but some don’t work hard to increase their abilities. According to an article by Carol Dweck, “the students with a growth mind-set felt that learning was a more important goal in school than getting good grades…students who held a fixed mind-set, however, were concerned about looking smart with little regard for learning” (Dweck). This concludes that students that are highly intelligent often develop fixed mindsets because they don’t want other students to know they are struggling in learning. Growth mindset students love to learn and are open to challenges while fixed mindset students avoid challenges in any scenario where they might look dumb. Students with high intelligence develop a fixed mindset by telling themselves that effort is useless because they’re smart. A growth mindset is the mentality that we want to develop. People with growth mindsets encourage other people to not give up and try their best in all scenarios. This mindset doesn’t set priority into being smart but rather into learning and exploring new concepts and ideas. The people with this mindset prioritize effort. Unlike, people with fixed mindsets isolate themselves from others to not show weaknesses. People with fixed mindset can’t tolerate criticism or feedback because they are afraid that other people may view them as weak or not smart. People with …show more content…

Someone with a low IQ has the same possibilities of succeeding as someone who has a high IQ because of the effort they dedicate. For example, Albert Einstein is known as one of the most successful geniuses, but he wasn’t one of the most intelligent students when he was younger. Mathew Bass states in an article, “elementary school was a struggle for him which led to many people suspecting him of being retarded…it [has] been told that when his school teachers asked him a question he took forever to answer” (Bass). Einstein was never the smartest kid in class or the brightest; however, he did work hard and practiced his theories. Einstein would sometimes go by without sleeping, coming up with conclusions of many theories he developed was Einstein’s priority. He now is recognized as the father of physics and the most intelligent man. How much effort we put into learning can impact us, but how much time we dedicate into learning is another. Einstein’s story proves to us that intelligence is unnecessary for success, but by putting effort and dedication to something one can really succeed. Intelligence is something that grows as we learn; effort allows us to learn and succeed without limitations.
In conclusion, intelligence doesn’t determine success, but effort does. Kaufman and Einstein are proof that intelligence is over rated when someone has the capability of working hard

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