Application Of Ethical Behavior

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Since the dawn of man, civilization has endeavored to understand the basics of human perception. Ethics is a part of philosophy that tries to understand the distinction between good and evil within the world around us, right and wrong in the scope of human perception, as well as what constitutes virtue versus non-virtue in terms of human character (Panza & Potthast, 2014). Ethical theory serves as a foundation to help humanity apply solutions that are just, fair, and correct to difficult problems based on understanding of behavior within both a moral and social framework (Panza & Potthast, 2014).
For many centuries philosophers have devised various frameworks to act as guides in understanding right from wrong as well as what constitutes ethical behavior. These frameworks when applied correctly help us to understand and deal with complex issues while illustrating engaged thought processes grounded in sound reasoning. This paper begins with a brief overview of the various theory based ethical constructs, it then continues by examining a current social issue, religion in the workplace, defining the issue through the application of several ethical theories including utilitarianism, deontology, and relativism.
Ethical Theory Overview
In the application of ethical theory several different frameworks have been developed. This is because each framework has a different focus, or moral objective. There are many different ways to confront complex problems based on the individual area of focus (what factors are most important to the decision-makers?), and the desired outcome after such ethical framework has been applied. For example, virtue ethics examines the character of the individual. In this theorem character matte...

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...rkers that celebrated Christianity as a faith would most likely get preferential treatment. The Utilitarian may argue based on sheer numbers and virtue the decision to follow Christian values in the workplace would be the correct course. He may also argue that instances of discriminatory treatment of other religions would be minimized based on the teachings of Jesus. However, a pure Utilitarian view may not be the answer as there are so many other religions views that simply would not be represented. Some employees may feel excluded or merely a means to an end which is in itself not on the highest moral ground.
Next to be examined was Deontological Ethics, In the decision-making process the deontologist would more than likely cite moral reasoning and act on principle as an explanation of why the decision was made. Often a person who believes in deontology

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