Structure and Function of the Mammalian Ear

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The ear is an integral part of the mammalian body, and a fundamental aspect of communication. It plays a pivotal role in detecting and responding to stimuli within the environment. The main function of the ear is to pick up sound waves in the environment. Mammals utilise ears for many various aspects including hearing, balance and communication. Ears are essential for survival, as they allow for the detection of sound, hence allowing mammals to communicate and respond to danger in the environment. The ear is made up of three different sections: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. The ear functions by collecting sound waves in the external auditory canal, from where it subsequently travels through the middle and inner ear until it reaches the brain to be interpreted as sound. Different mammals have a different range of frequency that they are able to hear. In the past century, technologies such as hearing aids and cochlea implants have assisted people who have hearing difficulties to hear, or have had their sense of hearing damaged.

Structure and Function of the Mammalian Ear
Sound travels in the form of waves through gases, liquids, and solids, by vibrating surrounding particles in the environment. The function of the mammalian ear is to collect these vibrations and process them to the brain, where they are interpreted as sound. The ear is very important as it enables animals and humans to hunt prey (animals), avoid danger and communicate. The ear has specific structures that enable them to carry out this task. The ear is divided into three sections; external, middle, and inner portions. (Refer to Diagram 1 in the appendix for a complete and detailed diagram of the ear.)
The outer ear consists of the ...

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...uch as grasshoppers contain a tympanic membrane on their abdomen and legs. This is usually stretched over an air chamber and vibrates when sound waves strike it, and relays the nerve impulse to the brain. Many insects such as the grasshopper have hearing in the ultrasonic range. Fish on the other hand use their lateral line to detect vibrations. It works similar to that of a mammalian ear, with vibrations being detected, passed onto the brain via nerve impulses and sensory cells, but contains no ossicles or cochlea. The lateral line is also used for detecting of motion through water, direction of current and the pressure weave created by the presence of other objects nearby. Fish also have an inner ear, which can detect high pitch sounds. Generally, fish have a frequency range of 100-1000 Hz. (Refer to image 7 in the appendix for a diagram of the lateral line)

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