Mary Reilly: A Medical Thriller Disguised

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Mary Reilly: A mystery
Mystery is a literary genre that hooks the reader in with thrill and suspense. Mary Reilly is a 1990 parallel novel by American writer Valerie Martin inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson 's classic novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Faithfully weaving in details from Robert Louis Stevenson 's classic, Martin introduces an original and captivating character: Mary Reilly, a survivor who is scarred but still strong, familiar with evil but brimming with devotion and love. The novel Mary Reilly both compliments and complements Stevenson’s novel.
This novel can be seen as a medical thriller rather than a romance because of the way the chain of events take place throughout the laboratory. It cannot be called a …show more content…

Hyde, will be joining him to help in his lab work, and that Hyde should be accorded all the respect that Mary shows to Jekyll. Mary, being a devoted servant, senses that something is dreadfully wrong with the weary and laboratory-obsessed scientist, who has hired Edward Hyde as his assistant.
At the outset there is no suspicion or doubt in chapter 1 of the novel; it looks like a plain, one-dimensional love novel. However, as we read further, the element of mystery grows and is developed in Book 2 and Book 3.
The suspicion starts when Mary follows the sound of footsteps, thinking it to be Hyde. When when she enters the laboratory, she finds Jekyll’s checkbook left open and blood-stained. The mystery deepens when Jekyll remains inside and rarely comes out. The hideous clothing of Hyde, his similar appearance to Jekyll, and his similar handwriting makes Mary grow more confused. “That was how we passed the days when Master could have been on the moon across the yard, for all we knew of his doings” explains the way things were back …show more content…

Before leaving, she decides to visit her aster once more. To the shock of the reader, Hyde attacks Mary and tries to cut her throat, although he ultimately fails to kill her. He reveals that he has mixed poison into his antidote and injects it into himself. He finally becomes Jekyll once more and breathes his last in Mary’s arms.
The characters Mary and Stevenson make this novel terrifying and mysterious. Mary represents a character that shows goodness, whereas Dr. Jekyll is a character that completely contrasts with this goodness. As the Medina County District Library puts it, “Mary represents the apex of devotion, goodness, and honesty, in contrast to the dual nature and complexity of Dr. Jekyll, whose shadow side threatens to destroy all bounds of decency, law, and order.”
Martin finds Edward Hyde to be an evil person, and the duality of Jekyll and Hyde to be a normal thing that could occur in any human. As she states in one of her novels, “You want to surprise and shake up your readers, but at the same time, you want to entertain them and draw them in”

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