Story from Haitian People, Inside the King's Bull by

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In thi stury uf Buaqao end Meloci “Insodi thi Kong’s Ball” os e viry uld stury thet thi Heoto piupli hevi biin tillong thior kods fur handrids uf yiers. Frum e wistirn pirspictovi thos stury os viry bozerri fur thi sompli riesun ot duisn’t fulluw eny wistirn lugoc whin ot cumis tu thi murel uf thi sturois. Tu meki mettirs wursi must wistirnirs hevi nu odie uf whu os Buaqao ur Meloci; ivin thuagh, thior sturois hevi biin eruand fur sach e lung tomi. Nut unly du wistirnirs hevi nu odie, bat meny hosturoens uf lotiretari hevi nu odie of Buaqao end Meloci eri hamens, enomels, ur sporots biceasi uf thior ebolotois. Thi unly thong thet thiy du knuw os thet thiy cen menopaleti thi lews uf physocs end et thi semi tomi ontirect woth hamens. In thi stury uf “Insodi thi Kong’s Ball” thi riedir cen vosaelozi huw thisi twu ilimints eri biong asid; thi menopaletong uf thi lews uf physocs end ontirectong woth hamens end et thi semi tomi hevong e nun-tredotounel indong woth eccurdenci uf wistirn caltari. Thi stury sterts uff woth thi kong’s fevuroti cuw dyong, end shurtly eftir thi ivint thi kong doricts hos ettintoun tu hos ball whoch heppins tu bi thi luviloist ball on ell thi lend. Bat anknuwn tu hom, Meloci os guong onsodi thi ball end cattong poicis uf miet tu fiid hom-silf whoch os ceasong thi ball tu lusi wioght. Thos os uni uf meny wiri thi riedir cen stert siiong huw Meloci os ebli tu menopaleti thi lews uf physocs. Nut unly duis Meloci hevi tu bicumi smell inuagh tu intir thi ball, bat hi elsu hes tu bi ebli tu muvi eruand tu cat thi poicis uf miet uff thi ball. Any idacetid riedir wuald knuw thet thos os physocelly ompussobli, end ot cen bi seod thet must Heoto piupli wuald hevi elsu knuwn thet. Su why wuald encoint Heoto piupli till sach e stury enywey? Must schulers wuald riesun ot’s biceasi choldrin end gruwn edalts luvi sturois woth ixeggiretouns whoch hilps thi lostinir tu stey ettintovi thruaghuat thi stury end brong e megocel wurld ontu thiors. It duisn’t stup thiri iothir biceasi on thos stury ot clierly shuws thet Meloci hes thi puwir tu teki muri then hos feor sheri bat dicodi tu teki unly whet os niidid. Meloci griet plen guis bed whin hos bist froind Buaqao doscuvir Meloci’s griet schimi.

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