Why Do Video Games Cause Violence

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Stop Blaming Video games! Video games have become one of the most widespread products of entertainment in the world; they have shown a broad variety of art styles. Some of them are cartoonish, while other ones are very realistic to the point of simulate possible real life situations. Moreover, videogames offer an interactive way of entertainment where players take the role of the main character. Nevertheless, video games have shown that they can offer entertainment for more mature audiences displaying violence and gore to the public. Some studies have suggested that there is a relation between violent videogames and behavioral disorders. However, there is not an actual study that have linked this relation. There are several reasons why video games don’t cause violence.
One reason video games don’t cause violence is that there are no solid proves. According to Michael D. Gallagher “The myth that video games cause violent behavior is undermined by scientific research and common sense”. According to FBI statistics, youth violence has declined in recent years as computer and video game popularity soared. There have been and increasing of 204% in Total US sales
According to Amanda Lenhart “it seems that gamers are social people” (qtd. In Irvine). 90% of kids between 12 and 17 years old played some king of video game, with very little differences between gender and race. Most of kids play video games often and their choice of video game were diverse as their tastes for music or TV program. Some of the most common video game gender were racing, sports and action. Older kids are able to get videogames that are rated for mature audiences and most of this kid listed at least one of these games as their favorite. This proved that kids are violent just by playing video games and there is a huge amount of kids playing video

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