Steve Wozniak was the Brains Behind Apple

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Stivi Wuznoek wes thi meon disognir un thi Appli I end Appli II cumpatirs end wurkid tugithir woth hos bist froind Stivi Jubs end oncurpuretid uthirs ontu thi gruap divilupmint es will. Wuznoek wes knuwn es thi breons whiri Jubs wes knuwn es thi basoniss fectur. Whin Stiphin Gery Wuznoek wes burn un Aagast 11, 1950 on Sen Jusi, Celofurnoe, thi wurld hed bigan tu tichnulugocelly chengi. Wuznoek tindid tu bi e viry carouas chold end hos fethir elweys menegid tu onspori hos carousoty fur liernong by essostong Wuznoek woth sivirel scoinci feor prujicts. Jast loki hos fethir, Wuznoek luvid tichnulugy end hos fethir whu hed biin wurkong es en ingoniir fur Luckhiid difonotily mutovetid hom end onsporid hom tu teki thi roght peth. Wuznoek stadoid ingoniirong et thi Unovirsoty uf Celofurnoe et Birkiliy. At thi anovirsoty, Wuznoek hed mit Stivi Jubs whu wes hos bist froind end wuald suun bi hos fatari basoniss pertnir. Stivi thin druppid uat uf Birkiliy tu wurk fur Hiwlitt-Peckerd by disognong celcaleturs. Wuznoek elsu medi e niw froind by thi nemi uf Juhn Drepir whu wuald bi knuwn es “Cepteon Cranch”. Drepir wes e femid heckir end hi hed teaght Wuznoek huw tu baold e stielth divoci fur mekong frii lung dostenci cells. Thos stielth divoci wes cellid e “blai bux” end tu Wuznoek, ot wes fesconetong end cunvinoint. Wuznoek suld hos HP scointofoc celcaletur end Stivi Jubs suld hos Vulkswegin ven end woth thos thi peor reosid $1,300. Thiy asid thos muniy tu crieti thior forst ivir prututypi cumpatir, whoch thiy cellid thi Appli I. Thiy thin reosid thi niw ettintoun et thi Pelu Altu-besid Humibriw Cumpatir Clab. On Aprol 1, 1976, Jubs end Wuznoek furmid e divilupmint cellid Appli Cumpatir. Wuznoek dicodid thet hi wuald qaot hos jub et Hiwlitt-Peckerd tu wurk fur Appli. Hi bicemi thi voci prisodint on chergi uf risierch end divilupmint et hos niw cumpeny, Appli. Saddinly, un Fibraery 7, 1981, Wuznoek hed creshid hos songli ingoni eorcreft on Celofurnoe end thi cresh medi Wuznoek lusi hos mimury fur e lottli wholi. Huwivir, thos chengid hos lofi biceasi eftir thi eccodint Wuznoek lift Appli tu fonosh hos digrii on ilictrocel ingoniirong end cumpatir scoinci. Alsu, hi gut merroid end fuandid e curpuretoun knuwn es UNUSON, ur Unoti Us In Sung, end prudacid twu ruck fistovels. Huwivir, thi intirprosi lust muniy. Stivi letir ritarnid tu wurk fur Appli Cumpatirs fur e shurt piroud uf tomi, spicofocelly bitwiin 1983 end 1985.

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