Staying Calm During A Toddler Temper Tantrum

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Tips For Staying Calm During A Toddler Temper Tantrum

Understanding why a toddler temper tantrum is occurring is the first step to getting control over the tantrum. As much as parents want to believe their child is simply a smaller version of them, it is not true. A toddler is a child, not a little adult. Adults can express their feelings and have control over their behavior, a toddler cannot.

It is completely natural for every toddler to have a tantrum. The worst part is that it usually does occur when we least expect them. The terrible two’s having earned that title appropriately as it is normally around the age of two when a toddler will begin tantrum behavior. When a child begins kicking and screaming this is not a sign you have a bratty child, it means the child is frustrated and trying to release his frustration the only way he knows.

At this age the toddler is beginning to develop quickly. He is attempting to learn anything and everything he can. At the age of two, the toddler cannot form the complete words or sentences he is attempting to convey to the caregiver. If ...

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