Disadvantages Of Standardized Testing: Pros And Cons Of Students

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Standardized testing is a simple definition is an assessment. The definition of assessment is a grouped examination of skills and talents about students. When society say the tests will be standardized, this means the certain group and type of students will all take the same test and be counted and investigated the same way. According to Joe when the test scores come in they are compared to students in their school and also schools worldwide to see how they did and compared to other students with the same grade. The standardized test requires everyone taking the test to answer the same question or something very similar to it, so it is fair. Every student is scored in a reliable way then it makes it possible to compare how students do. …show more content…

That can see if a teacher is really helping them and teaching them what they need to know. Also, can see if a student knows what they should know at their age to see if their behind or need to get kept back. Also, can be stressing to schools because their students test scores are being compared to other schools to see who 's teachers and how their students are being taught is actually helping them or not. It can also help schools see if their teachers are really helping the students or see how teachers can improve their teaching and learning skills to reach the needs of the students. It also helps students at a young age to get ready for the real world which means for college because they get tested on subjects such as a doctor takes a test to see if he/she is ready and valid to be a doctor because someone won 't want someone operating on them or a family member if they don 't know what they 're doing. Testing is there only way to see the performance because not all students listen in class so learning without testing can 't really help a student remember and do good in the real world. Also, can see if a student can read but also comprehend and remember it. This was found on http://www.debate.org/opinions/is-standardized-testing-a-fair-way-to-judge-how-well-schools-educate-their-students. In school grades I get are official but it doesn 't really teach you the world today learning English or world life examples that you will use and help you learn in the real world. It can also show a school what level you are on if your transferring to a new school and see where you stand to not put you in a class where you know everything or a class that is to advance for a person. It also shows parents what school or district to send their kind to see if their kid is actually learning and see where their kid stands for a good future. Also, this was found on

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