Essay On Stand Your Ground Law

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Stand-your-ground law is a type of self-defense law that allow an individual to use deadly force if he/she felt that their life is in grave danger. The Controversy behind Stand-your-ground law is often criticized for encouraging violence. Critics claim that the laws lead to a "shoot first, ask questions later" attitude that results in more injuries and deaths than would occur without the law. Stand-your-ground law was passed by the former Florida governor Jeb Bush in 2005. Afterward, many other states have followed mostly the Republican States. The laws expand on the "Castle doctrine," which says that a person is protected under the law to use deadly force in self-defense when his or her property or home is being invaded. The Controversy behind …show more content…

Zimmerman 's complaint that "they always get away," as he stalked Trayvon shortly before the deadly confrontation. Even on the 911 call, the operation told Zimmerman not follow Trayvon. Maybe in Zimmerman 's mind, he was trying to be the hero like in movies. The main character decided not to follow the order and end up saving the day. Perhaps Zimmerman was thinking the same thing. Should Trayvon has the right to Stand-his-ground after he was being followed by Zimmerman? Should Trayvon have his First Amendment right to be in that neighborhood? Should Trayvon have his Second Amendment right to bear arms protection? The situation could have end peacefully if Zimmerman had walked …show more content…

The NRA is basically helping to make sure the gun industry can increase sales according to Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, a New York Democrat who also a longtime gun control advocate. McCarthy proposed a bill that would ban new sales of new large ammunition clips that increase the lethality of weapons like those used in mass shootings in Connecticut three years ago and Colorado Theater and so on. No one has never challenging NRA members ' right to own guns before. "We 've had large mass shootings which have involved large mass assault weapons clips. "These clips aren 't used for hunting," McCarthy said. As a matter of fact, McCarthy husband and five other people were shot dead in a brutal assault in 1993 on a New York commuter train by a man wielding a gun with a large-capacity ammunition clip. The Obama administration is reportedly considering a much broader approach to curbing gun violence: bans on assault weapons and large ammunition clips, mandatory background checks for all gun purchases, increased mental health checks and expanded penalties for carrying guns near schools. A few months ago President Obama had determined to take "executive action on gun

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