Stakeholders’ Expectation: Resolving a Product-Harm Crisis

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The proliferation of recent studies on the area of product-harm crisis is highly correlated to the rapid increase in the number of reported product-harm crises. Five scholarly, peer reviewed articles from the marketing domain provide the foundation for further analysis. This base was supported by additional research material from complimentary business disciplines. A compare and contrast analysis was performed to determine the best approach for solving the crisis. Pertinent recommendations was provided to stem, alleviate and reverse the effects of a product-harm crisis.
Product-harm Crisis Definition
The prevailing marketing definition of a product-harm crisis attributes responsibility for the crisis to the interventions of mass media (Chen, Ganesan, & Liu, 2009; Lei, Dawar, & Gürhan-Canli, 2012; Vassilikopoulou, Lepetsos, Siomkos, & Chatzipanagiotou, 2009; Yannopoulu, Koronis, & Elliot 2011; Zhao, Zhao, & Helsen, 2011). In addition, Vassilikopoulou et al. (2009) expanded the definition of a product-harm crisis by shifting the emphasis on mass media role towards a more balanced approach by including “manufacturer’s negligence or product misuse”.
Factors Contributing to a Product-harm Crisis
The factors – “corporate social responsibility (CSR), response, external effects and time”, Vassilikopoulou et al., (2009) - listed by the current body of research would lead one to think that product-harm crisis is a marketing problem. And, the solution lies in understanding the complex relationship among marketing variables – the marketing mix. A broader view would realize that product harm crises is a value system problem that requires a concerted, collaborative effort from all stakeholders to rectify. Therefore, this broader view woul...

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Vassilikopoulou, A., Lepetsos, A., Siomkos, G., &.Chatzipanagiotou, K. (2009). The importance of factors influencing product-harm crisis management across different crisis extent levels: A conjoint analysis. Journal of Targeting, Measurement, and Analysis for Marketing, 17(1), 65 –74. doi: 10.1057/jt.2008.30
Yannopoulu, N., Koronis, E., & Elliot, R. (2011). Media amplification of a brand crisis and its effects on brand trust. Journal of Marketing Management, 27(5/6), 539–546. doi:10.1080/0267257X.2010.498141
Zhao. Y., Zhao, Y., & Helsen , K. (2011). Consumer learning in a turbulent market environment: Modeling consumer choice dynamics after a product-harm crisis. Journal of Marketing Research, 48(2), 255–267. doi: 10.1509/jmkr.48.2.255

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