The Most Common Ethical Dilemmas Of Sports Vs. Drugs

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Sports vs. Drugs There are many ethical dilemmas that athletes face throughout sports in todays society. One of the most common ethical dilemmas that is talked about in sports is performance enhancing drugs, also known as PEDs. Many famous athletes have used drugs to gain an unfair advantage in order to perform better than their competition such as Tiger Woods, Alex Rodriguez, and Lance Armstrong. With that being said, here I will argue that performance enhancing drugs should still be banned because while other athletes are working hard and putting in the time and effort, it isn’t fair that others take the short cut to reach their full potential. Performance enhancing drugs have very lethal side effects that could affect one’s health in the long run. These side effects can range from mild to very severe depending on the time and length a person used these drugs. The mild side effects could involve balding, growth stunts, acne, and “steroid rage” ( The more serious side effects can involve heart and liver damage, and also blood clotting ( In addition, with the help of PEDs, they create an …show more content…

Many athletes do not look at the long term possible side effects. They don’t realize how bad they are once they enter the body. Many athletes don’t consider the long term consequences or the negative side effects. They can be long lasting and effect many parts of the body such as the liver and the heart. They have also shown to cause high cholesterol, acne, mood swings and depression. ( There have been many cases where PEDs have proven to be the cause of hallucinations, anger and rage. It is obvious they have negative side effects on the brain. ( Many of these long term effects have not been studied long enough to have a definite result on the body which can be of great concern.

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