Spirituality: What Is A Spiritual Connection?

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Spirituality is a concept that is known worldwide. The definition for spiritual is relating or affection the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical objects.(Merriam-Webster). A connection is defined as a relationship which a person or idea is linked or associated with something (Merriam-Webster). When coming the two terms a spiritual connection means a relationship that affect the human soul. A spiritual connection does not miserably mean having a connection with God. If something touches a human soul a human could experience a spiritual connection, it could be with worship, nature, or even taboo entities such a Satan.

“ In the beginning was the world, and the world was with God, and the world was God” (John 1:1) God in …show more content…

A various amount of people cannot connect to God through worship and prior, it just does not touch their soul. Because individuals have a spiritual emptiness to fill, people attempt to fill it by other methods such a hallucinogen drugs and meditation. LSD stand for lysergic acid diethylamide, it is a hallucinogenic that is generally taken orally. In a study, a group of people took LSD to attempt to have a spiritual connection. A majority of the test subjects said it was a mystical experience. The experience provoked emotions of love, peace and joy. They experienced unity and transecdence time. It was an experience they never had in the past. (Jesse, R) People on LSD offend feel they are connected with everything around them, they notice things that they have not in the past. Another way people experience a spiritual connection is through Meditation. Mediation is deep connotation; it is the transformation the mind of an individual. Sadhguru shared his first spiritual connection in Ted talks, he explained as a small boy he was lost in the meaning of life, he felt like everyone else knew what it was except for him. One day he went to a temple and realized that people who were praying were not there genuinely, there was no happiness or joy. Sadhguru then went to sit on a rock and had meditated it was a revelation he finally understudy what life was. Sadhguru stated after meditating he was so blissful and …show more content…

Some people say they are born with the ability to see the dead and commutate with sprits and souls, these people are known as mediums. Voodoo is a religion that communicates with sprits. Voodoo formulated from Africa the literal meaning of voodoo is sprit (Practice of voodoo). Voodoo involves divination and possession. In voodoo mediums are called witchdoctors or preistes they connect with spirits using magick and rituals. Witchdoctors and persists connect with sprits to get guideanse for the future and different magick powers. Magick in voodoo could be good or dark. A lot of people go to a voodoo preistes and ask for help such as healing a disease or even ask help with fertility. Dark magic in voodoo is used mostly for some type of revenge. In Voodoo people show their respect to the sprits through rituals. Their rituals involve animal scarifies to show their application for all that the spirts have done for the community (Exploring Voodoo rituals). Sometimes rituals even involve a passion, a spirit takes over a human body. When a sprite enters a human body the human is not concisions the sprite controls them, the sprite make it self know by doing a special dance and by doing stunts such as eating glass and stabbing the body the are possessing, pain a human could not handle(Taboo-Voddo). People

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