Essay On The Spiral Of Silence Theory

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Background Information The spiral of silence theory, a theory of media effects on human society, holds that the mass media has the power of silencing those with opposing viewpoints who feel marginalized and intimidated from expressing their views for fear of social pressure of rejection or ostracism from the mainstream culture. The German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann developed this theory during the 1970s and 1980s, articulated in her 1984 work, The Spiral of Silence: A Theory of Public Opinion – Our Social Skin, which utilized studies of voter behavior in West German elections (Noelle-Neumann, 1984). She noted, “today it can be proved that even when people see plainly that something is wrong, they will keep quiet …show more content…

Thus, much of the silencing effect can be inadvertent, though no less harmful in curtailing individual expression.
Journal Articles Incorporating the Theory The spiral of silence theory has been used in a number of recent research studies on such controversial social and political issues as same-sex marriage, reproductive issues, climate change, racism, military engagements and globalization. One recent study on alcohol option laws in Kentucky examined the debate in Murray, Kentucky, based on telephone surveys of 38 adult residents. Contacts were asked to identify the factors that discouraged discussion of the alcohol …show more content…

It also ignores the potential economic and quality of available healthcare issues that could be even more significant factors in cancer outcomes in this demographic than a spiral of silence. Finally, I believe the existence of the spiral of silence is best determined indirectly in studies not associated with the spiral of silence, since respondents might be prone to altering their responses if the typically subconscious spiral of silence is discussed openly. Even polling based on individual beliefs on the views of the community might not fully address the issue, as belief that one’s views are a minority opinion do not necessarily equate with a chilling effect. Sociological study into cultural mores and taboos may best articulate the existence of a spiral of silence in a given culture.
Analysis from a Practitioner’s

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