The Sound of a Hundred Feathers: The Symbolism of Richard Hook's Painting, Adoption of the Human Race

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The Sound of a Hundred Feathers Art has always been considered the effervescent universal tool of communication. Art does not require a concrete directive . One sculpture,drawing or written creative piece, can evoke a myriad of emotions and meaning . Artistic pieces can sometimes be considered the regurgitation of the artist's internal sanctum. In Richard Hooks graphic painting,Adoption of the Human Race, the effect of the imagery,symbols ,color and emotional content projects a profound unification of a spiritual edict. The image of the chief is the initial focal point in the painting,Adoption of the Human Race.The chief's image evokes a great sense of sadness for the mass of people. You get a sense of concern regarding the future of the people. The image of the lightning bolt, eclipse of the moon ,the explosion and rainbow behind the foreboding image of the chief solidifies his role as a protector . The two images combined defines the complete role of the chief ,an unknown ,ethereal source watching over the human race. The order of the various pictures behind the chief, has great spiritual symbolism. The placement can be associated with the rise and fall of man.The lightning bolt symbolizes creation,a start of a new beginning. The eclipse of the moon is highly profound in the spiritual realm. According to Spiritual ResearchFoundation, At a spiritual level, the Universe is made up of something even more basic. These basic particles are known as the three subtle basic components (trigunās) namely Sattva, Raja and Tama. In the word triguna, "tri" stands for three and "gunās" stand for subtle-components. The component Tama is the negative component, it controls the lazy,negative and greed characteri... ... middle of paper ... ...and white to be important as they represent direction, their flag, and what they consider to be four races of man. The ,Adoption of the Human Race, induce an intense feeling of sadness ,despair and possibly a glimmer of optimism. The pain of a nation radiates from the painting but the belief that a supreme spirit continues to keep his nation safe from the perils of the world. The great spirit chief desperately tries to keep his great nation from suffering ,but the people are becoming disconnected. The disconnection can be interred because the chief fingers aren't interlaced . The transcendental journey into the spirit realm is most realized thru the arts. The only platform that can embody all the elements: image ,symbolism,colors and emotions ,in one is the artistic work of a spirit ,crying to come forth and be heard,in silence.

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