Solution Focused Therapy

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Solution Focused Therapy

Solution focused therapy is a model of therapy developed by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg in the late 1970's (Dolan, n.d.). This model has become well known for its non-traditional approach to client problems as it does not explore clients issues in relation to their cause and affect but rather the goals and solutions to achieving a future free of any present issues. i will be discussing the evident concepts, principles and intervention techniques of this particular model. it will be explored in the context of a case scenario of a therapy session to observe how the model can be actively applied to therapy sessions and why this is the best model to meet the client's needs. The effectiveness of the model will be highlighted by exploring its strengths and limitations in relation to effective service provision and meeting clients goals and needs. i will also examine how the model can be strengthened and enhanced when used in collaboration with the systemic family therapy model in order to minimise known limitations and increase the functioning of therapy.

Solution focused therapy is built on the belief that clients all have personal strengths to face and achieve solutions to their current problems and these strengths, knowledge and resources need to be identified and brought to the clients attention and put into action in order to achieve a solution or preferred outcome. Solution Focused Therapy has become recognised for its non-problem saturated approach to counselling as it avoids in-depth exploration of the problems nature, history and cause but rather solutions to solve the current issues, therefore is characterised by solution building as opposed to problem solving. it is seen as a higher...

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Johnson, D. (2011) A solution- focused approach to group dynamics in counselling: or, Sister Hazel explains it all for you [Web log post]. Retrieved April 7, 2014, from - See more at:

J. Spangaro, personal communication, April 10, 2014

Mojab, C. (2013). Solution Focused Brief Therapy. Retrieved April 14, 2014, From

O'Connell, B. (2005). Solution Focused Therapy. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Szapocznik, J., Schwartz, J. S., Muir, A. J., & Brown, H, C. (2012). Brief Strategic Family Therapy: An Intervention to Reduce Adolescent Risk Behaviour. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 1(2), 134-145. Doi: 10.1037/a0029002

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