Compare And Contrast Essay On Softball

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“Batter up!” the umpire yelled from behind home plate on the diamond-shaped field for the inning to begin. Adrenaline rushed through the players’ veins as the crowd cheering echoed from the bleachers to the outfield. Softball and baseball are team sports which both require an umpire and a diamond shaped field. All players are important. Most aspects of the games are the same. Each team has only nine players on the field at nine different positions. Each inning ends when there are three outs. Baseball generally consists of nine innings, whereas softball usually is played in seven innings. People think that softball is not as tough as baseball because they think that softball is a soft sport. I have been playing softball for about ten years, but prior to that I played baseball. However, the game of softball is on a whole different level. Softball plays require much more speed, and there is a greater possibility of getting injured. The game of softball is more hazardous and fast-paced than baseball. …show more content…

The round yellow ball with red seams is 12 inches in circumference with a diameter of 3.8 inches. It is hard to grip. A softball weighs about seven ounces. Carrying a softball is like carrying a grapefruit. Players could get seriously hurt if the ball hits their bodies, but especially if the ball hits their heads because that is where most of the injuries in softball take place. Watching my teammate, Misha take a line drive to the face from the pitcher 's mound gave me chills. That injury made a life-changing impact. Misha was put on a stretcher and rushed to the hospital. Therefore the possibilities of injuries are higher in

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