Cross Cultural Differences In Anthropology

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a) Holism: the term ‘holism’ entails that when investigating or studying human beings, their activities and how they live, one should take the context related to them such as their education, healthcare, politics and other social structures.
Cross-cultural comparison: this entails that anthropologist should not generalize by thinking that all people are the same but it allows them to understand and study the sociocultural differences and similarities between people.
Sociocultural relativism: it entails that anthropologist should study the cultural phenomena using the etic perspective; where a sociocultural system such as the community’s behaviour, ideas, and customs is studied within their own context.
Fieldwork: it basically means that studying …show more content…

b) The anthropological approach makes a huge difference because of its credibility, validity, reliability and relevancy.
Credibility- the anthropology contributes a lot it make us understand human issues and to differences that it brings to the many different fields of application which rely on its validity, reliability and relevancy (Hill 2012:14)
Validity- anthropologists uses case studies to explain their application of addressing any human related issues so that their work is clear and solid (Firth 1981:193).
Relevance-the relevancy of anthropology is shown by the sort of issues that they cover such as the acknowledgement of ethnic and cultural diversity, the protection and conversation of culture (Fiske & Chambers 1996: 2).
Reliability- anthropologist work in different sector such as the government or the non-government agencies to solve issues in the different field of application or different domains which makes their approach fair and reliable (Podolefsky & …show more content…

The purpose of their research is to acquire ethnography data. They anthropologist obtaining qualitative data and observing how the people they are researching are living and their day -to-day activities. Some of their methodology includes participant observations in which the anthropologist is involved in the day-to-day activities to observe from first-hand experience of how the people live.
The second method is their in-depth interviewing of the local people. The anthropologist interview the local people in order to know what their intake/opinion is on the matter at hand and how is it affecting them as the community. And the anthropologist interviews the community’s leaders to understand their point of view. In this type of method they use statistic questionnaires to conclude their research. The anthropologist needs to use the statistic questionnaire to produce direct and quantified result.
These methods help anthropologist to correct the misconceptions and misrepresentation of people by providing the perspectives and data from the specific people that are being investigated.
b) Participant observation, key-informant and (focus) group interviewing and lastly

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