The Problem Of Poverty And Kuyper's Socialism Or God?

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Socialism or God? In “The problem of Poverty” Kuyper has the view that we all need God in our lives. We cannot survive on our own. In contrast, in “The Communist Manifesto” Marx believes that socialism is the fix for our problem. He thinks that we should all have equal authority and power of our own lives. We should not trust anyone but ourselves to solve the problem. Throughout this paper we are going to analyze the solutions that Kuyper and Marx suggest to fix our society. separately and then see where they agree and disagree. Both have strong opinions on how to fix the social crisis. Kuyper states that our social crisis is that we are all fallen human beings and we let that affect the way we treat our earth. We tend to let society …show more content…

By giving our lives to him we will be free from the evil in our society. This is where the problem lies within our religion. Because we are all sinners we think that we can do it all on our own. We would rather be with our friends than glorifying our God. Christians in today 's society have become extremely self centered. If it does not help us in any way then we don’t want to do it. Because of our self centeredness we think that we can fix the social problem by ourselves. If we try to convince people that they need God in their lives but we don’t even think we need him; how well is that going to work? Not very well. Kuyper says that as Christians, before we help any of our fellow brothers and sisters in need that we need to make sure that we are doing it for the right reasons. As we serve, we should also find ways to show God 's’ glory through what we are doing instead of what we are …show more content…

If a country was to do this then they would need to be ready for a battle. It is going to take a lot of people to overcome the current government. As communists, we want to abolish any form of government. We will join any movement against them, as long as it means that we will not have to follow any other rules. We will be our own leader. When the remaining government is abolished, all citizens will have equal amount of power and say as their neighbor. This is the solution to our social problem. If our country can overcome the government then our entire social crisis will be no more. The whole point of this battle is to unite every man and woman together. If this is accomplished, no one could stop them. This is the only way we are going to win the fight. It this was to happen they would become invincible. Just think, if every person that works in a store or at a restaurant then we would be screwed. Our society would not be able to function. The government would have no choice, they would have to agree with their terms. Even if that means that the government was

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