Analysis Of Mr. Robot

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Quotes from "Mr. Robot" that SOC Managers Will Understand If you manage a security operations center, you may already be familiar with the television series, "Mr. Robot." Just in case you have never heard of the show, the main character, Elliot, is a security engineer by day and a hacker by night who falls in with a group of socially conscious "hacktivists." The show 's writers have penned numerous lines that have special meaning to SOC managers. "We are in a war." One skirmish does not win a war. You might be successful at fending off an attack, but the hackers will return. Because the war is still underway, you can never afford to drop your guard just because you have won a battle or two. "Control is an illusion." Sooner or later, you …show more content…

They reason that since the company does not maintain files on customers ' credit cards, have an extensive research program or deal with confidential data, it is safe from hackers. However, if you think about all of the data stored on your server, including personnel records, vendor information or employee passwords, you will see that there are still tidbits of information that hackers could put to malicious use. The "it can 't happen here" mentality can have dire …show more content…

Feigning one type of attack to distract you while they commit a much more devastating attack is well within their abilities. Having an innocent snippet of code mask a destructive worm is another possibility. In other words, the bad guys may use smoke and mirrors to keep you from looking in the right places, similar to the way that a stage magician will direct your vision to one hand while he manipulates his props with the other. "They call it the python approach. They 'll lie and wait for the right moment to strike." As predators go, pythons are remarkably patient, and once they decide that the time is right to strike, they seldom miss. There are some hackers with infinite patience as well. Many organizations already have time bombs ticking in their systems, but they are not aware that they have been hacked because the event has not yet occurred that will trigger the explosion. "Better the devil you know than the devil you don

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