Social Stratification And Social Inetification In Today's American Society

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Societies all through out time have had some form of stratification, but they varied in their degree of inequality. Social stratification is still in effect in today’s American society and creates social inequality. Newman states “Just as geologists talk about strata of rock, which are layered one on top of another, the “social strata” of people are arranged from low to high” (Newman 2014). Everyone is affected by social stratification and categorized based on their occupation and income. Social stratification has been around all through out history in all kinds of different societies. Newman defines social stratification as “the ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal rewards and life chances in a society” (Newman 2014). Stratification categorizes people into social classes based upon their occupation, wealth, income, social status, and power in society. This creates social inequality because people who fall into the lower social classes don’t have the same opportunities to thrive in society as people in the higher classes. Sociologists have identified four main forms of stratification, slavery, …show more content…

Being a man in society comes with a lot of advantages but it also has a lot of disadvantages. Men are expected to not show their emotions and be tough all the time even when they are really hurt. Personally, I am a guy that shows how I feel and sometimes I get a lot of negative feedback for it. We are also all expected to be strong and physically fit and a lot of men aren’t. When I was in junior high I was not in good shape or strong and I was picked on quite a bit for it especially because of my size. There are advantages of being a male in society like being chose first for jobs like doctors, lawyers, and dentists. We also have the advantage of being able to play whatever sport we like because we are seen as more physically capable then

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