What Are The Myths Of Client Service Myths

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10 Client Service Facts & Myths Let’s take a moment now and review some of the most common myths regarding customer/client services. 1. Client service is less tiring than other jobs requiring hard physical labor. Of course, this is totally false! Although the average customer service rep does sit behind a desk most of the day, the job is certainly less physical than ditch digging, mining or major construction projects. The real energy drain is the constant phone work or face to face services. Many customers can be quite negative or angry and these chronic personalities can take massive tolls on your mental health and psychology. Providing QUALITY client service every day–all the time–can be fun and challenging, but it’s not always easy. If …show more content…

Our customer is always right! This is also false. Yes, you should aim to exceed consumer demands, but saying they’re right EVERY single time just doesn’t fly. The phrase “The customer is always right” was originally coined in 1909 by Harry Gordon Selfridge, the founder of Selfridge’s department store in London. It’s typically used by businesses to convince customers that they will get good service at this company and convince employees to give customers good service. In 1909 the slogan worked very effectively. However, in today’s business climate the customer is always right is “wrong.” The slogan gives abrasive customers the advantage and then they’ll begin to demand almost everything and anything. Your customer’s will take complete advantage of you and suck you dry. The truth is that many times the customer is just plain wrong. If you consistently make your customer’s right, you’ll be out of business in the blink of an eye. Sometimes the customers know they’re wrong and admit it and sometimes they don’t. I’m sure you’ve experienced this. Regardless, your job is not to show them why they are wrong and why you are right. Your job is not to win an argument with your clients. Your job is to convince them that in good times and bad times you’re their friend on the inside. Remember, if you fight or argue with a customer and win, you still lose. Such losses are eventually reflected in your

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