Being Wrong Is Right: Right Or Wrong

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Being Wrong is Right
Is it okay to do wrong, even if the expectation is right? So many ways to ask this question, but is there really a right or wrong answer. It takes courage to reflect and think before doing something right or doing it wrong even if you know what is right. Ethics are consisted of a behavior that has been learned by an induvial or has been taught to them. People’s morals may give an ardor feeling, where they are seen as a person with no ethic character, or a person who shows there character to be perceived as someone with an ethical background. Learning and teaching lessons are a part of everyday life; however, for some it can be more complicated for others. “It took me two days to return the money. Truth was I was seriously considering keeping it. Diaz had forgotten his ethical values when he stole the money back from his …show more content…

Berne said this as he spoke about the tragedy nine-eleven, “Like me, they were probably trying to superimpose those terrible images onto the industrious emptiness in front of them… I believe, by the brisk trade in World Trade Center photograph booklets at tables set up on corners” (177). We try to justify that September 11, may have been a tragic event but by selling objects and showing pictures in order to remember makes us feel better. It is unethical to sell things about September 11, but because there trying to make sure, the tragedy is never forgotten they sell things as a reminder of what happened that day. In addition, there is no way to say somebody is wrong by broadcasting pictures of a tragic event but there being ethical about it. Potters thought on ethics may be the opposite of what society feels is right. “Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do” (Steward). A reaction usually occurs before a thought or consequence does, so why not just do what is wrong and then justify why it was the right thing to

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