Negative Effects Of Social Media

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Social Media Neglects Society Needs The Social Media, such as “The Washington Post,” seldom gives positive news to society. Most of its headlines and stories are about violence like homicide, rape, and gang violence. It neglects to report solutions and victories to such crimes. The social media will bring society hope to the awful crimes that goes on in the world if its headlines and reports were more focused on solutions for and triumph over crimes. Povided that the“The Washington Post,” keeps society aware of crimes by reporting them, it is only frightening, leaving them in despair. It fails to report results and victories to such offenses. For example, one of its homicide headlines is “Finding Chandra: Polices and FBI scandal their way in getting Congressman off love affair murder.” The authors Scott Higham and Sari Horwitz writes a non-fiction book about the incident. Public awareness is granted, but it brings no solution or hope of prevention; Chandra is dead and her murderer is free with no blame. The headline and story outcome suggest changes that provide an outlook for homicide prevention. …show more content…

For example, one of its rape headlines is, “The worst thing that has come before the court: Mother financed her drug addiction by letting the drug dealer rape her twelve year-old daughter.” The outcome of this story is the mother and child molester get fifty years to life in prison. However, after a three year follow-up the child’s well being is presently at stake. She is still mentally disorientated and her caring father thinks she will never be the same. The incident does not mention prevention in child trafficking and none is suggested in the

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