The Importance Of Friendship In Social Media

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Friendship in Social Media is creating a barrier for face-to-face interactions. There is no direct contact between two parties whether it be an individual who is blissfully scrolling past posts or two individuals directly messaging each other. “When children don’t practice empathy and other positive face-to-face techniques when they’re adolescents, she said, these skills become less polished” (Feiler). The younger generation has the most exposure to technology and social media and spending too much of their daily life facing a screen causes a disconnection with other people. Without being physically in contact with another individual creates a lost sense of who that person really is and how they truly act in person. People create reflections …show more content…

Aristotle states that “each of these characteristics belongs to the good man in relation to himself, and he is related to his friend as to himself, friendship too is thought to be one of these attributes, and those who have these attributes to be good friends” (Aristotle 169). The shared life describes the highest form of friendship that creates human flourishing and true happiness. Social networking sites like Instagram allow people to share moments in life with different members, creating a false sense of the shared life. While it seems as though they are living a life of fulfillment and joy, these are only highlights that are brought into light while their low moments are never revealed to the public and possibly not even to those in the picture. Virtuous friendships involve not only sharing values with one during their highs but sharing values when the world seems to go against them. Only friendships that happen together on activities in every dimension of life can truly boast a friendship based on virtue and it is difficult to know one person without truly sharing a life with them. There is a distinction between a shared life and sharing about life in which one allows for intimate relationships towards the good and the other shares highpoints that others should

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