Importance Of Observation On Social Media

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Observation is typically a study that most do in person in a spacious area with a large amount of people to easily observe the different groups that are in our society from a distance. However, in this day in age socializing with peers is usually done on social media due to the advancement of technology. A large range of people use social media to communicate with friends or family and post their thoughts and feelings for others to see. Recently, the controversy among many that I am friends with has been mainly about this year’s election. When the time came for selecting candidates to run for the presidency, it was clear that both parties had already found their candidates who would be the ones going against each other for the presidency, …show more content…

When analyzing these posts, most of the time Facebook users do not express their opinions verbally by writing a status on their feelings on politics but they prefer to repost pictures known as memes, which are pictures that make fun of the candidate that they do not like, or videos specifically targeting the election and who they are voting for without physically writing their thoughts. Why? Maybe to avoid speaking their true thoughts or feel like the post describes their feelings perfectly so no words are needed which allows users to display one-to-many communication on social media because their friends are able to see what they have posted and response to it. On the New Media, some posts are more popular than others due to the amount of shares. These Political posts have billions of comments and likes based on active audience 's opinions. Posts variate on the amount of information the video or post gives a user and sometimes have hyperlinks to article that have extended information. New media has just updated Facebook to have live stream video on the debates, etc. There are users of different political positions who comment their thoughts based on their social class and personal beliefs on the election. Some users argue because of their different stance and sometimes go as far as making death threats when they become …show more content…

Though I 'm against Jean Twenge, who stated that we are not informed and are much more narrow minded when it comes to discussing a topic from what is separated from our daily lives. If anything, I believe we are much more knowledgable because of how easily accessible information is on a global scale and as a result we are more opened-minded because we are much more exposed to many different cultures unlike older generations of people. This election has been an eye opener for what the people want for this nation, and for better or for worse it has been a huge discovery for peoples true feelings towards one another. And yet it is in our ability to correct what may be politically and socially incorrect thoughts and feelings through observation. As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “The point in history at which we stand is full of promise and danger. The world will either move forward toward unity and widely shared prosperity - or it will move

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