The Pros And Cons Of Internet Friends

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It’s a crazy idea that through the internet we have the possibilities to meet strangers and even befriend strangers. Strangers that we most likely would have never even met outside of the digital world. Through social media, a relationship is formed between strangers to strangers. Consequently, Social media has made it easier for users to communicate with each other, and even have romances and communities to flourish and strengthen.Although text messaging and other forms of digital platforms have had an involvement in these relationships, they all seem to start with social media. The bonds made can start with one picture or a even Reddit forum. But in the end, online relationships that initiate as weak ties are later turned into strong ties. …show more content…

Consequently, I accepted her friend request. However, the only thing I really knew about her the way she looked based upon her profile picture, and that she was Facebook friends with one of my best friends. After exchanges here and there, we started following each other in different social media platforms. It’s been a good five years now since we have been internet friends , but it wasn’t until last year that we actually met in person.Not that being internet friends is any less valuable than friends you would meet in the real world. Turkle does states in her book Alone Together, “We don 't count on cyberfriends to come by if we are ill, to celebrate our children 's successes, or help us mourn the death of our parents. “ (153), and it’s absolutely true that we don’t expect cyberfriends to do things that our regular friends and family would help us with. But, they are many cases where cyberfriends do pull through and become our second family. Sometimes there are things that you are more willing to tell someone that you haven’t met in person than what you would tell someone who you see everyday. Katelyn lives only a town away from me, but I probably would have never met her in person or would have known who she was if I would have not accepted that friend request. If Sherry Turkle read this she’d be horrified, and possibly even scold at me …show more content…

El ano del caldo is a Mexican expression translated to “the year of the broth”. This phrase is used to express the antiquity of something, because broth is so old nobody really knows when it was invented. It’s easy to attack social media, and the whole digital world in general. I know because when I was writing this paper I was caught contradicting myself, it would have been so much more easier for me to write about something that was easy to attack.But being born into a generation where social media has become part of the way you communicate with each other changes your point of view. It could be very possible that less people are talking to each other face to face, but everybody I know does not seem to have a problem being glued to a phone. If anybody is truly terrified about how we’re communicating then I can’t wait for their reaction to when we can send hologram messages to each other. We are now in the year of instagramming our acai bowls, and whether you like it or not it seems like it is the direction that we are heading

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