Persuasive Essay On Legalization Of Water

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The sky is turning a dark gray, clouds rolling in with a loud thunderous sound, and the raindrops began to fall. The rain falls from the sky, rolls off the roof of a building structure, and into a cistern. Collection of rain into either a cistern or holding tank is known as rainwater harvesting. By harvesting the water, it can then be used for irrigation and plumbing. Since purchasing 15 acres of land, I learned of this process simply by word of mouth. Then, one day I see an article on social media about how harvesting rainwater may be illegal. Legalization of this process is now being talked about in our state legislatures. Because rainwater is a beneficial natural resource, it should not be illegal to capture it from your own rooftop.
For many generations rainwater has been used for agriculture and ranching. This natural resource is a commodity that comes free of charge. We can find water in over 70 to 75 percent of the earth ( Before the laws of state, government entities and communities there were just ordinary …show more content…

The ranching and farming community became less. These cities and towns now needed water to go to every household. The process of getting water to every household was not the only obstacle but also the fact of having clean water. Most of the water on earth is too salty to be consumed and in fact carry diseases and bacteria. In order to keep our water safe a whole process was put in place for homes to receive this water. Treatment plants, public agencies and private sectors make our water safe for drinking and using daily are now found in every city and town. State laws are set up to make sure the population receives clean and safe water. This is important, of course, but what about rain water and the collection of it. Because of these treatment plants we pay for our water consumption but should we pay for collecting the rain for other

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