The Importance Of The Social Environment

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The Social Environment, it refers to the physical location where a human being have developed culture, interactions, relationships, and the understanding of different human behaviors. Since the appearance of mankind on earth, no one have ever been able to figure out when and why people became very obsessed with categorizing each other in the form of Race, gender, and class. These words are what defines us today. It is hard to say what we are anymore when people choose to only see you in those categories in which “human being” was never considered a part of the “Three Musketeers”. These words are meanings of vulgarity, illiteracy, and insult. Our body parts might be different in shapes, color, but our organs would beg to differ, for they’re …show more content…

It is very difficult to know what caused our creation, and that was never of much concern to most people because some of us still believe that an African-American is more likely to become a criminal because of his/her social environment and “color”. The United States in the past few years had seen anger, riots, and disruption to the public order because of racial profiling toward African-Americans or preferably called Black-Americans, since the term African-Americans isn’t that far different from calling someone the “N” word, or referring to someone by his color. There have never been an incident where a “white” person was called European-American. Why cannot a dark-skinned, American who happens to be a human being, be referred to as an American? It’s illogically ignorant to allow ourselves to use labeling. Symbolic interactionism, refers to the phenomenon of police brutality, and the use of the labeling system where the police considers certain individuals as potential suspects based on their color or social …show more content…

As a teenager, Michael Brown was not considered the ideal kid that every parents wish to have; in fact, he was a violent teenager who committed an armed robbery prior to his murder. He was a drug addict whose social environment had a negative effect on his life. An effect that by any means should not allow him to hurt himself or being considered extremely dangerous to the public. A study by William Chambliss proves that upper social class kids are more likely to commit bigger crimes and never get caught. He named the upper class student The “Saints”. The Saints have committed several crimes, yet they were never caught, and they were still considered the ideal kids that every parent would be proud to have as their kids. The second group of students were called the “Roughnecks”, it is a group of lower class kids who have done the same crimes as The Saints, yet they were severely punished, and harassed by the police officers in every rude way possible. Our society tends to treat lower class families poorly, yet that does not teach the lower class to become criminals. Great people were created in the worst environment known to mankind, and they managed to become great people. For example, Chris Gardner begin his life as a homeless man who strived to help his family, and he never gave up until he became the well-respected business man he is

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