Social And Social Construction Of Reality In Society

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Social construction of reality is defined as social interaction shaped by the people. Human interaction, understanding, and meaning are not shaped by or within the individual, but in coordination with other human beings. When we are making friends or enemies, we are building new relationships. This is social construction. When a company goes bankrupt, some employees become unemployed and lose hope finding a new job. This is social construction. Social constructionism means reality is always changing, and it is based on how a society perceives what is real or normal. When an earthquake happens, for example, Californians think is a product of tectonic plates moving. However, native tribes view this as a message from a god as a punishment to humans. …show more content…

Individuals have the power of choice to do what they want. It is an individual’s capacity to pursue a goal. Social agency is agency of people, countries, cultures, ideologies, etc. Members of a group have the same goal and actions in social agency. Corporations have the same goal, and that is to create profits. They sell whatever product or service they are selling to people and provide jobs to people. This is social agency. Another example, LGBT communities hope for marriage equality. They recently reached their goal by challenging the court. This is social agency. Government pursues to enforce law and order in a country. Officials work together to regulate a country. This is social agency. There are numerous social agencies out there, but the most important ones are: the family, the school, the mass media, and peer groups. The family is the most important one because it is where we belong in the very first place. It is where we develop ascribed status, values, beliefs, religion, and opportunities. The family is where we begin to shape social construction of …show more content…

Nuclear family consists of father, mother, and children. Extended family is nuclear family with grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, and nieces. Single-parent family is a mother or a father living together with children. European-Americans are mostly in nuclear families. They tend to rely on nuclear families because their extended family lives far from them. Euro-Americans have high regards for individualism. The have much more freedom of choice than do people in other cultures. They are encouraged at a very young age, as they are expected to have free will. They view agency as residing within the individual. Their families are more prone to break up than and peasants and hunting families. Peasants and hunting families grew up in a home where everyone works together to provide everyone’s basic needs. In Euro-American culture, individualism is their favorite mentality. This mentality usually starts once they turn 18, when it is legal to support one’s self. Thus, this defies the idea of social

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