Applying Social Cognitive Theory in Teaching English

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Social cognitive theory (SCT) involves four key components: reciprocal interaction, enacting learning, vicarious learning, and modeling. Despite Ann, the English teacher in the video, may not know what SCT is, she does apply the theory to her teaching strategy. SCT concerns reciprocal interactions among environmental, behavioral, and personal factors. The last factor, personal factor, is usually demonstrated by self-efficacy which refers to the confidence to perform behaviors at a designated level. In the scenario, the teacher always praises and encourages these kids by saying “Good girl!” and “Good boy!” For example, she says “Excellent cutting” after a boy cuts off a picture by using a scissor. The teacher’s praise enhances children’s self-efficacy …show more content…

The teacher speaks with students slowly, clearly, and with simple English words due to the fact that the native language of children in the class is Spanish rather than English. The teacher adjusts her speed of speaking in terms of students’ characteristics (person → environment). Despite the teacher speaks very slowly, few students respond her in English. Some kids even speak Spanish. Behaviorism theorists may argue that these kids do not learn these English words from the teacher due to lack of immediate response, whereas social cognitive theorists contend that they have learnt these English words because learning can occur vicariously. This is called vicarious learning. Students can learn English by observing and listening. The teacher plays a model role in the class. For example, the teacher pulls her own hair slightly when she tells the students “The Haircut”. The teacher’s action draws all kids’ attention because they seldom see their teacher pull her own hair, so they feel funny and interesting. By observing the teacher’s hair and listening the pronunciation of the word, kids know what hair means and how to pronounce it correctly. The symbols and verbal are stored in their memory. Moreover, learning and performance are distinct processes. Performance is not necessary to occur immediately after learning. These kids may have known what haircut is and use it when they are cutting their hair. If their parents encourage them to …show more content…

Instead of giving up the cutting task, disturbing other students, or cutting the paper randomly, he persists in the task, complete it efficiently, and follows the teacher’s instruction. He is the first student of whom sticks four cutting pictures in a red paper in his table. This example indicates that self-efficacy contributes to behaviors (person → behavior). After he completes the task successfully, he may perceive that he is able to understand what the teacher is saying, use a scissor, and stick pictures in a paper, which in turn will foster his self-efficacy. The reason is that positive results improve his confidence in similar tasks (behavior →

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