Social Class Vs Social Class

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Growing up, I noticed everything; like the name brands shoes my parents couldn’t afford. They would make an effort of buying me similar ones. My dad would see how I would try to hide the shoes in shame. Kids would judge and stare at the type of clothes others had on. Social class mattered then, and it matters even more now. People judge others by how much they have, what they wear, and what they own. Those are the things that are used to label a person’s social class. Social class has become a controversial issue when it comes to whether or not it can be changed. Mobility is possible within social classes. It takes hard work and dedication to be able to move up into a different class. My dad is a great example of someone who has worked hard …show more content…

In the essay, “New Directions” by Maya Angelou, Annie, a hard-working woman, says, “I looked up the road I was going and back the way I come, and since I wasn’t satisfied, I decided to step off the road and cut me a new path” (123). Just as Annie; my dad decided enough was enough. My parents used to only buy necessary things mainly because they couldn’t afford the expensive material things. Throughout the years, he would wake up everyday at different hours; tiredness could be seen in just one glance. My dad was a part of the blue collar, or the “working” class for a lot of my childhood. My mother was also a part of the same class. Both of my parents come from a lower class families. Both being from Mexico; it was harder for them to get a job to save up for their future family. This is where my dad 's desire to provide for me grew enormously. My dad has worked effortlessly to be a part of a middle class rather than what he was used to. My dad had to work not one, but 2 jobs plus a little side job to change our lives. Of course, the transition between classes was a difficult process, but it is possible to achieve. It might taken him years, but it was worth the sleepless nights to provide for his family. He has made this middle class lifestyle …show more content…

Social classes, now-a-days, seem to be a big talk within certain people. Social classes does not determine a person 's actual class; it shows how hard a person works for what they have in their life. The transition between classes might be difficult, but people have done it. Many have pushed beyond their limits to succeed. People, like my dad, prove the mobility. Society judges others by sight, but never really learn their true values. Everyone struggles, but the award at the end is worth every sweat and tear. Being a part of a middle class lifestyle is setting a goal and making sure it is accomplished. It is possible to change one’s social class, regardless of what others might say. I know someone who is living breathing proof, and he is my

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