Social Media And Social Anxiety

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In the last decade there has been a growing recognition of the importance towards social anxiety. Whether it is caused by talking to the opposite sex, giving a speech, or social pressures caused by social media. Which in the 21st century is a major key in how people view themselves and interact with each other. Often leading to more people being effected by social anxiety due to social media. Social anxiety is a common personality disorder, it is caused by excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations. This type of anxiety is triggered by the fear of being judged by others, based off of who they are or how they behave. People who suffer from social anxiety tend to experience distorted thinking, leading to fake accusations about the outcome …show more content…

It also can be a result of body shaming and popularity contests. In fact social media forces people to compete with one another based on appearances alone. Resulting in the self-esteem of others to decrease, giving people another reason to have a fear of being judged. Which is a major factor when it comes to social anxiety. The risk of social anxiety is higher among teens and women because of the constant competition based off of appearance and material objects. Due to the high expectation on girls in terms of appearance and weight, mental health issues such as anxiety have a significant impact on them. Leading in some cases to unfortunate tragic endings. There have been more then 30,000 suicide death in the united states , that are linked to the internet, more specifically social media. Social anxiety can cause some dangerous mental and physical complications. Because anxiety can trigger an anxiety attack, which releases a flood of chemicals and hormones into the bodies system. That can result in an increased pulse and breathing rate giving more oxygen to the brain. But if it last longer than a brief moment, it can weaken the immune system, making it more vulnerable to viral infections. Leading to a general feeling of ill health and prolonged

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